Superheroes and Momentum Metropolitan.

Superheroes and Momentum Metropolitan.

Educational Theatre, Positivity
Tammany Barton as Miss Positive Pants Doodle Your Future was invited to share their creativity with the children of employees at MMI Holdings in Centurion. The creative programme was filled to the brim with Educational Theatre, storytelling and Doodling with the theme “SUPERHERO”. “We want to teach our children how important it is to acknowledge the superheroes in our lives. They come in all shapes and sizes and more often than not without the cape or flying car. We forget the work that goes into filling the big shoes of a mom, dad or ugogo. We wanted the children to appreciate and understand how lucky they are to have loving caring parents. There are many children out there who don’t have the luxury of this family bond and love.” Miss…
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A slice of light with Doodle Your Future

A slice of light with Doodle Your Future

Our Founder, Tammany Barton was invited to share our Doodle Your Future story with the beautiful Megan Fisher from SABC 1’s Slice of Light team. In case you missed it, grab a coffee, sit back and watch the passion and purpose of Doodle Your Future come to life. A big thank you to our Doodle Heroes, without you we would not be making the progress needed to live out our mission! Video Footage compliments of: Wayne Barnes – True Friends Production and Arzo Ayamaah – Black Brain Productions
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