Second edition of Doodle your Future’s think-pieces.

Second edition of Doodle your Future’s think-pieces.

Storytelling, Think Piece
STORYTELLING Dear Doodle Heroes and Friends, Welcome to the second edition of Doodle Your Future’s think-pieces; we hope it finds you well. In this article, we'd like to start exploring one of the central pillars of Doodle Your Future’s vision – storytelling – in a little more depth. Since our last letter, we’ve found ourselves moving through a difficult and unprecedented period in our national, and indeed world, history. With this in mind, perhaps it can be an especially useful moment to spend some time exploring how storytelling can help us to grow and to heal as individuals, as groups, as communities, as a nation, and maybe as a planet. Narratives allow us to make sense of experiences by integrating a sequence of events with our understanding of the significance…
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First edition of Doodle your Future’s think-pieces.

First edition of Doodle your Future’s think-pieces.

Educational Theatre, Positivity, Think Piece
The power of art and storytelling. "During times of uncertainty we need to look to where the seeds fall,so we might know where beauty will grow. "Founder Tammany Barton   Doodle your future – the power of art and storytelling South Africa’s future depends on her children. Doodle your Future is taking a unique approach to nurturing some of the country’s most vulnerable children through the evocative combination of art and storytelling. While we await to see what this world wide pandemic does, we would like to share our good news stories with you. The story of Doodle your Future’s birth provides the perfect example of the tangible healing that art and narrative therapy can facilitate. It started almost 10 years ago when Tammany Barton, the organisation’s founder, became a…
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The Benefits of Educational Theatre and the Impact that it has on Children

The Benefits of Educational Theatre and the Impact that it has on Children

Educational Theatre, Positivity, Think Piece
The power of being allowed to 'speak out' is something that builds our confidence and understanding of freedom as we navigate our way through this confusing world of varied culture, religion, value systems, and moral guidelines. The huge dilemma that parents may face when raising their children is the dilemma of teaching them to tell the truth AND to find their sense of belonging in society. This is a paradox. In order to fit into society and belong is paramount to human survival. Telling the truth may result in losing the comfort and safety that belonging brings. Being left out in the cold for telling the truth as you see it, being ostracised from the very foundation that brought you into the world can be enormously painful. Clan betrayal is one of the worst kinds…
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